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Modern Hippie? Healing Crystals, Essential Oils, And Intuition, Oh My

modern hippie crystal necklaces

I’m from Pennsylvania. I was raised Catholic. You won’t find any crystals or sage in my closet. But maybe that is due to change as I slowly become more a modern hippie.

That’s why when a friend posted about a crystal jewelry-making workshop for the solar eclipse, I couldn’t help but be intrigued.

Now, I’ve already dipped my toes in the waters of spirituality, so to speak, by meeting with an astrologer. She did career readings for everyone in the office, but I went back for seconds for a reading on health and romance. And let me just say, it was eerily resonant.

modern hippie tea ceremony

I’ve been dealing with some health issues for a few years that Vivian Soren-Myers (the astrologist) couldn’t have possibly known about. And yet looking at my charts she was able to pull out an ongoing issue with my endocrine system and adrenals. (I’ve been suffering from adrenal fatigue, among other things.) “The planets never lie,” she told me. (Well, except kind of Neptune, that tricky bitch, making everything blurry.)

And I can’t lie, either. I was impressed. Not that I didn’t already like astrology, but Vivian sure made a believer out of me.

modern hippie crystal altar

Now, back to the crystals. I ventured alone to Earth Altar Studio in what I felt was my most hippie-esque outfit, a peasant dress, because I’m extra, and also the worst.

We drank a custom blend of the owner’s “Fairytale” tea – which was wonderful – before circling around a beautiful altar garnished with – what else? – crystals. We started by talking about the solar eclipse. Apparently, eclipses even affect animals. Did you know spiders take down their webs during eclipses and put up brand new ones after? Yeah, me neither.

So Hanna, who led the event, had us write down three things we wanted to drop from our “webs” this eclipse. I chose: self criticism, self doubt and boys who don’t return my texts. (Sad to report I’ve only done so-so on that last one. The dating scene is rough, guys… especially in LA.)

Then, we had to choose three things we wanted to build in our new “web.” I wrote: self confidence, trusting my gut, and really taking care of my health. Clearly I’m working through some stuff. *Takes a quick glimpse at that empowering “Jessica James” gif.*

After setting our intentions, we each took turns using our intuition to choose a crystal for our medicine necklace. Then, and only then, would Hanna tell us the meaning of the crystals. I picked a clear quartz. They’re known as the “master healer.” It draws off negative energy, cleanses, and enhances the organs and stimulates the immune system. Turns out intuition works.

modern hippie jessica james gif

While there, I met some women who work with dōTERRA essential oils. They had this tool that could tell you what oils you needed. You just had to squeeze it in your palm, and then it sent a report to your phone.

One of my top answers was basil. Guess what that’s for? Adrenal issues. Yeah, it helps increase the body’s natural response to both physical and emotional stress. Oh, and it helps to sooth anxiety.

modern hippie crystal jewelry-making

Um, can I trade in my many prescriptions for some crystals and essential oils? Because my bank account would thank me for that.

During the event I also chatted with the owner of Earth Altar Studios, Justine Serebrin, who does this unique, spiritual ceremony called intuitive tattooing… which I decided to do for my first tattoo.

My little sister joked on the phone the other day, “It’s like I don’t know you anymore.” I mean, I’m not about to stop using name brand deodorant or open a yoga studio, but I’m sure a far cry from the girl who left that little city outside of Philly.

But maybe that’s a good thing. My astrologist DID say I’d be having an epiphany around the solar eclipse. I know, I know — a year ago, I’d be rolling my eyes at that, too.

Then again, what are your twenties for, if not experimenting and discovering yourself?

This was originally published on Entity Mag.

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A little about the writer

Kayla is an entertainment writer and reporter, editor at, and co-host of true crime and cannabis podcast, High Crime. 

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