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May 22, 20173 min read
Hinge Survey Says Blame Pizza for Not Landing That Second Date
A new Hinge survey ranked the food choices on date one that are most likely to lead to a second date. The answers might surprise you.

May 16, 20173 min read
Man Sues Date For Texting During Movie, Because Men’s Entitlement Knows No Bounds
Entitled Texas man sues date because she texted during a movie, and left him there after he yelled at her to step outside.

May 15, 20171 min read
Troop Leader Steals Girl Scout Cookies Worth $15,000
Troop leader steals Girl Scout cookies after picking up two troops' worth, which cost a whopping $15,000.

May 15, 20172 min read
Yes, You Can Die From A Caffeine Overdose
A caffeine overdose is a real thing you have to worry about if you are drinking too much without water.

May 14, 20172 min read
There Is Nothing Wrong With Going To Prom Stag
A woman wrote in to Your Teen magazine worried about her daughter going to prom stag. The answer was a reality check for that mom needed.

Mar 26, 20173 min read
Staggering Number Of Backlogged Rape Kits Discovered In Detroit
Over 500 untested rape kits found in Detroit show the national backlog problem that lets rapists run free and allows more assaults to occur.
Oct 19, 20092 min read
With Stimulus Funds SU's Physics Department Avoids Research Cuts
Stimulus Funds help SU physics department avoid cuts and continue their international work with The Large Hadron Collider.
Aug 30, 20092 min read
Class Action: Graduate Of Monroe College Sues Alma Mater For Failing To Help Her Get A Job
Trina Thompson doesn’t have a job. She blames her college. So the 2009 graduate of Monroe College sued her alma mater and their career...

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